Certain disorders - Hypo or hyperthyroidism, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia and thoracic outlet syndrome can have tinnitus as a symptom. Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. Our Privacy Policy explains how your personal data is used to personalize your browsing experience. Brain exercise and a healthy diet are two of the best ways to improve brain function. Hearing experts help people hear the annoying noises better. Do you ever hear noises, like ringing, humming and buzzing in your ears?At times, everyone hears tinnitus noise but may not pay much attention to it until it's brought into focus. The CHOP otolaryngologists are available to assist you!Management strategies can be very effective for children with tinnitus. Frank suggests masking devices when she can. Cortexi is made of natural components designed to increase hearing sense and focus. Medical conditions such as temporomandibular joint arthralgia , depression, anxiety, insomnia, and muscular stress and fatigue may lead to, or exacerbate, tinnitus. You will indicate the time you can hear the sound and your results are compared to what is normal for your age. She says, "It could be a sign of something more serious that must be addressed." Tinnitus can sometimes be caused by temporomandibular disorders, a group that affects jaw movement.