We do not seek to diagnose, cure, cure, or prevent any illness. The vibration is the end effect in the synapses, which lessens Tinnitus. Tinnitus describes the inability of the brain to perceive sounds outside of the auditory stimulus. Tinnitus can also be caused by spontaneous otoacoustic emission --infrasound tones that are produced in your inner ear. While they were out for lunch, they passed Portland's Lovejoy Fountain. When they vibrate, chemicals are released that stimulate the auditory neuron. They can focus on improving quality of life thanks to advancements in treatments and management strategies. NORD's mission revolves around ensuring that patients and caregivers have the tools necessary to live their best lives and manage their rare condition. About half the patients suffering from tinnitus are able to report a successful treatment with Niacin. It can also cause irritation to the eardrum, which can lead to tinnitus. Tinnitus may disrupt sleep and concentration, increase fatigue, impact alertness, degrade performance, and potentially increase risks for accidents on the job. It can come and go, or it may be fairly constant.