It's particularly common among veterans of the United States. A hearing test can be used to confirm or rule out possible causes. This evaluation led 2 more eligible articles to be identified, giving rise to 113 total eligible articles. Sometimes, neuropsychological testing will be done to screen for anxiety and depression. Most phones have volume limiters that allow you to set the maximum volume for your headphones at a safe level. Tinnitus can also be a sign of other conditions. Each additional session after the initial three visits will be $50 in 30 minute increments. We want to find the best technology that will help you manage your symptoms. However, the population-based survey showed that the odds of the existence of tinnitus was 19% higher for those with glaucoma. Relaxation can be achieved through the listening to soothing music, or natural sounds. Sound therapy uses music, sound, or other engaging sounds in order to divert attention from tinnitus and reduce stress. We believe that this means that you should really take stock your life and all the people in your life. Niacin is thought to provide smooth muscle relaxation and perhaps increased blood flow to tiny blood vessels supplying the inner ear.