Tinnitus that affects both ears is called bilateral tinnitus. With its unique formula comprising of carefully selected ingredients, it works to address the root cause of hearing loss. PLUS, the latest news about medical advances and breakthroughs by Harvard Medical School experts. S.) Independently verified eligibility. Maca Root, a popular adaptogenic herb, boosts energy. Talk to your doctor about all your medications to determine if there is a problem. They will then examine your head, neck, and ear canals. Noise-induced hearing loss – This is the most common cause for tinnitus. Djalilian is a pioneer in treating diseases of the skull base and ear. It is not yet clear which patients might benefit from these treatments. You may have noticed that ringing in the ears is listed as a possible side effect when reading medication descriptions and disclaimers. If you're concerned about tinnitus, ask your healthcare provider about medication side effects and alternatives. Head noise can result from earwax blocking the outer ear. They might ask you if your hearing is impaired, if you are prone to loud noises, or if one event causes a lot of noise. Stop smoking and quit using smokeless cigarettes.