However, it can be a bothersome for some people. Tinnitus is not a treatable condition. Some medicines may ease tinnitus by addressing a problem linked to the condition. The American Journal of Industrial Medicine published last week the study. This is why you might be more aware of it at night, when you try to fall asleep in quiet rooms. Tinnitus noises may vary in pitch and can be heard in either one or both ears. It also has a wealth of current information on tinnitus. Tinnitus could be reduced or eliminated through a variety of methods, such as changing medications or removing impacted wax. These abnormal noises can be perceived in one or both ears, and can occur intermittently or constantly. Our quick online tinnitus test can help you understand if you might have tinnitus and/or hearing loss and what you can do about it. Tinnitus can also cause problems with concentration and sleeping, especially in severe cases. Researchers are looking into whether electrical stimulation or magnetic stimulation of the brain could be used to relieve symptoms of tinnitus. The doctor can also refer to an ear, neck, and throat specialist, who will examine your ears and hear in consultation with an auditor. However, there is no established criteria for classifying Tinnitus based upon the duration of the onset. Patients should be advised that the device is worn during their normal waking hours.