Earplugs and other preventative measures can be custom made. The following management techniques can help transform a potentially negative and emotional sound into a neutral one. The American Tinnitus Association admits that there are some treatment options that can help with tinnitus. It is a function of both the intensity and time one is exposed to the signal. These include amplification devices, surgical implants, and even amplification. In cases where tinnitus may be caused by an underlying condition such as a hearing loss, your child's doctor and/or otolaryngologist will discuss with you the best ways to help your child. Phantom sounds may be heard in one ear, both ears and in your head. Some types of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications work. Medicare and most insurance companies do NOT cover audiological treatment options. Dr. Good 360-degree hearing is a sign of good ear health, including strong ear hair cells. The results of brain imaging studies in people with tinnitus also vary considerably from person to person. Tinnitus can be exacerbated by injury or exposure to loud sounds. A better hearing will allow you to focus on sounds that are not tinnitus-related, and this can be enough for many to feel relief.